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Over 33,000 Models
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A.B.C. 1910
Abbott 1916-1918
Abbott-Detroit 1910-1915
Able 1916
Ace 1921
Acme 1910
Adams-Farwell 1910-1913
Adelphia 1921
Adria 1921
AEC 1913
Aero 1921
Ajax 1926
Aland 1917
Alco 1910-1913
Allen 1914-1922
Allen-Kingston 1910
Alpena 1911-1913
Alsace 1920-1921
Alter 1915-1917
Ambassador 1922-1925
Amco 1920-1921
American 1917-1925
American (Underslung) 1910-1914
American Bantam 1937-1941
American Motors Corporation 1967-1975
American Simplex 1910
Ames 1912-1914
Amplex 1913
AMS-Sterling 1917
Anchor 1910
Anderson 1914-1925
Anhut 1910
Anna 1912
Apperson 1910-1926
Arbenz 1911-1918
Argo 1915-1916
Argo Electric 1914
Argonne 1919-1920
Atlas 1910-1913
Atterbury 1911
Auburn 1902-1937
Austin 1910-1919
Autocar 1910-1912
Automatic Electric 1921
Babcock 1910-1912
Badger 1910
Bailey 1910
Bailey Olympic 1910
Baker 1910-1916
Bantam See Americ
Barley 1922-1925
Bauer 1915
Bay State 1923
Beardsley (Electric) 1915-1917
Beggs 1918-1923
Belden 1910
Bell 1916-1920
Belmont 1910
Ben-Hur 1917
Bergdoll 1910-1913
Berkshire 1910-1912
Biddle 1915-1922
Billy 1910
Bimel 1917
Birch 1916-1922
Birmingham 1921
Black Crow 1910-1911
Black Hawk See Stutz
Bobbi-Car 1946
Borland 1914-1916
Bour-Davis 1916-1921
Bowman 1921
Bradley 1920-1921
Brewster 1915-1923, 1934-1936
Briggs & Stratton 1917-1921
Briscoe 1912-1922
Broc 1910 1914-1916
Brook 1921
Brownie 1916
Brush 1910-1912
Buggyaut 1910
Buick 1910-1975
Burdick 1910
Burg 1913
Cadillac 1910-1975
Cameron 1910-1917
Campbell 1918-1919
Carhartt 1911-1913
Carroll 1913,1920-1921
Cartercar 1910-1915
Case 1911-1927
Chadwick 1910-1915
Chalmers 1910-1924
Chalmers-Detroit See Chalme
Champion 1918-1923
Chandler 1913-1929
Charter Oak 1917
Chase 1910
Checker 1924-1925, 1961-1972
Chevrolet 1913-1975
Chrysler 1924-1975
Cino 1910-1913
Clark 1910-1912
Cleveland 1919-1926
Cleveland Electric 1910
Climber 1920-1923
Coates-Goshen 1910
Coey 1912-1914
Colburn 1910
Colby 1912-1914
Cole 1910-1925
Columbia 1910-1925
Columbus Electric 1910
Comet 1918-1922
Commonwealth 1917-1922
Continental 1910 1914
Corbin 1910-1912
Corbitt 1912-1915
Cord 1929-32&1936-1937
Correja 1911-1914
Courier 1910,12 &1922-1923
Crane 1913-1914
Crawford 1910-1923
Crawford Dagmar 1923
Crosley 1941-1953
Crow Elkhart 1912-1922
Croxton 1913-1914
Croxton-Keeton 1910
Cunningham 1911-1932
Cutting 1910-1913
Cycleplane 1915
Dagmar 1922-1927
Dalton 1912
Daniels 1916-1925
Davis 1912-1929
Day 1912-1914
De Tamble 1910-1912
Demot 1910
Derain 1911
Desoto 1929-1961
Desoto (1913) 1914
Detroit 1923-1925
Detroit Electric 1910,1914-1922
Detroit-Dearborn 1910
Detroiter 1913-1917
Devaux 1932
Diamond 1913
Diana 1926-1929
Dile 1915
Disbrow 1918
Dispatch 1912-1918
Dixie Flyer 1916-1922
Doble 1918-1919
Dodge 1914-1975
Dorris 1910-1925
Dort 1915-1924
Drexel 1917
Driggs 1922-1925
Drummond 1917
Duesenberg 1922-1937
Dupont 1920-1933
Duquesne 1913
Durant 1921-1932
Duryea 1912-1914
E-M-F 1910-1912
Eagle 1924
Earl 1921-1923
Eastern 1910
Economy 1918-1920
Edsel 1958-1960
Edwards 1913
Elcar 1916-1930
Elgin 1916-1924
Elkhart 1916
Elmore 1910-1912
Emerson 1917
Empire 1910-1918
Enger 1910-1917
Erskine 1927-1930
Essex 1919-1933
Eureka 1910
Everitt 1910-1912
Ewing 1910
F.R.P. 1914-1918
Fageol 1918
Falcar 1910, 1913-1914
Falcar 1911
Falcon 1922
Falcon Knight 1927-1928
Farmack 1916
Fergus 1918
Ferris 1920-1922
Fiat 1913-1920
Firestone-Columbus 1910-1915
Flanders 1910-1913
Flint 1923-1927
Flyer 1914
Ford 1910-1975
Four Wheel Drive 1912
Fox 1923-1924
Franklin 1910-1934
Frazer 1946-1951
Friend 1921
Frontenac 1910-1912,1922
Fuller 1910-1911
G.J.G. 1910-1912
Gaeth 1910
Gardner 1920-1931
Garford 1912-1913
Gaylord 1911
Geneva 1917
Geronimo 1917-1920
Ghent 1918
Gleason 1910-1914
Glide 1910-1920
Globe 1921
Goodspeed 1922
Graham 1930-1940
Graham-Paige 1928-1929
Grant 1914-1922
Gray 1922-1926
Great Eagle 1912-1914
Great Smith 1910-1911
Great Southern 1912-1914
Great Western 1910-1916
Grout 1910-1913
H.C.S. 1920-1925
Hackett 1917-1920
Hal 1916-1918
Halladay 1910-1920
Handly 1923
Handly Knight 1922
Hanson 1910-1924
Harroun 1917-1921
Harvard 1916-1918
Hatfield 1920-1924
Hatfield 1917-1923
Havers 1912-1914
Haynes 1910-1925
Henderson 1913-1914
Henry 1910-1912
Henry J 1951-1954
Herff-Brooks 1915-1916
Herreshoff 1910-1915
Hertz 1925-1927
Hollier 1915-1920
Holly 1913-1914
Holmes 1918-1923
Holsman 1910
Homer-Laughlin 1917-1918
Houpt 1910
Howard 1914 1917
Hudson 1910-1957
Huffman 1919-1923
Hupmobile 1910-1940
Ideal 1910
Illinois 1910
Imperial 1911-1915
Imperial (Chrysler) 1954-1970
Inter-state 1910-1919
Jackson 1910-1923
Jeffery 1913-1917
Jenkins 1912
Jewett 1922-1926
Johnson 1910-1912
Jones 1915-1920
Jonz 1912
Jordan 1917-1930
Kaiser 1946-1955
Kauffman 1910
Kearns 1910-1914
Keeton 1913
Kelsey 1921-1925
Kenmore 1910
Kent 1912
Kenworthy 1917
Keystone 1910
King 1912-1925
Kissel 1919-1931
Kissel Kar 1910-1918
Kline Kar 1910-1923
Knox 1921
Koehler 1910
Krit 1910-1915
Kurtz 1922-1923
Lafayette 1920-1924
Lambert 1910-1917
Lasalle 1927-1940
Laurel 1917
Leach 1921-1922
Leader 1912
Lenox 1912-1918
Lewis 1914-1915
Lexington 1910-1926
Liberty 1916-1924
Lincoln 1920-1975
Lion 1910-1913
Little 1913
Locomobile 1910-1929
Lorraine 1920-1922
Lozier 1910-1916
Luck 1913
Luverne 1910-1917
Luxor 1925
Lyons-Knight 1914-1915
Madison 1916-1918
Maibohm 1917-1922
Majestic 1917
Marathon 1910-1914
Marion 1910-1916
Marion-Handly 1917-1918
Marmon 1910-1934
Marquette 1912
Marquette (Buick) 1930
Marshall 1920
Maryland 1910
Mason 1910 1913
Matheson 1910-1913
Maxwell 1910-1925
McCue-Hartford 1910
McFarlan 1910-1928
McIntyre 1910-1915
Mecca 1916
Mercer 1910-1925
Mercury 1939-1975
Merit 1922-1923
Meteor 1914-15, 20-22
Metropol 1914
Metz 1910-1921
Michigan 1913
Middleby 1910
Midland 1910-1913
Milburn 1916-1925
Miller 1913
Mitchell 1910-1923
Moline 1910-1920
Moline-Knight See Moline
Monarch 1914-1915
Mondex Magic 1914
Monitor 1916-1919
Monroe 1916-1923
Moon 1910-1929
Moore 1917-1920
Moore 1911
Mora 1910
Morse 1912-1916
Motorette 1912-1913
Moyer 1913-1914
Murray 1917-1918
Murray-Mac 1921-1922
Nance 1911
Napoleon 1917
Nash 1918-1958
National 1910-1924
Nelson 1917-1921
New Parry 1912
Noma 1920-1923
Norwalk 1911, 1913-1922
Nyberg 1913
Oakland 1910-1931
Octoauto 1912
Ogren 1917, 20, 22-1923
Ohio 1911-12, 1914
Ohio Electric 1910-1918
Oldsmobile 1910-1975
Olympian 1918-1920
Omaha 1913
Otto 1910-1912
Overland 1910-1926, 1939
Overland-Whippet 1927-1929
Owen-Magnetic 1915-1920
Pacific 1913
Packard 1901-1958
Paige 1912-1927
Paige-Detroit 1910-1911
Palmer-Singer 1910-1914
Pan 1921
Pan American 1918-1922
Parenti 1922
Parry 1910-1911
Partin-Palmer 1913-1917
Paterson 1910-1923
Pathfinder 1912-1917
Peerless 1910-1932
Penn 1911-1912
Pennsy 1922
Pennsylvania 1910
Perfex 1913
Peter Pan 1915
Petrel 1910-1912
Phianna 1911, 1917-1918
Pickard 1912
Piedmont 1917-1922
Pierce Arrow 1910-1938
Pierce-Racine 1910
Pilot 1912-1924
Pittsburg 1910-1911
Playboy 1946-1947
Plymouth 1928-1975
Pontiac 1924-1976
Pope-Hartford 1910, 1912-1914
Porter 1919-1922
Powercar 1910
Pratt 1912-1915
Premier 1910-1925
Premier-Strattan 1918
Premocar 1921-1923
Princess 1917-1918
Princeton 1923
Pullman 1910-1917
R & V Knight 1920-1924
R.C.H. 1912-1915
Rainier 1910-1911
Raleigh 1921-1922
Rambler 1910-1912
Rambler (AMC) 1958-1975
Ranger 1910, 1921-1922
Rauch & Lang 1910-1925
Rayfield 1912-1915
Read 1914
Reading 1912
Reeves 1913
Regal 1910-1918
Remington 1915
Reo 1910-1936
Republic 1912-1916
Revere 1919-1926
Richmond 1912-1914, 1917
Rickenbacker 1922-1927
Ricketts 1910
Rider-Lewis 1910
Ritter 1912
Roader 1911-1912
Roamer 1917-1930
Rock Falls 1920-1922
Rockne 1932-1933
Rockwell 1910
Rogers 1912
Rollin 1924-1925
Rolls Royce 1922, 1926-1931
Romer 1922
Ross 1916-1917
Royal Tourist 1910-1911
Rubay 1923
S & M 1914
S.G.V. 1911-1915
Salter 1910
Saxon 1915-1922
Sayers 1918-1924
Schacht 1910-1913
Schlosser 1910, 1913
Scripps-Booth 1915-1922
Sears 1910
Sebring 1910, 1912
Selden 1910-1914
Sellers 1910
Seneca 1918-1924
Shad-Wyck 1918
Sharp Arrow 1910-1911
Shelby 1912
Simplex 1910-1920
Singer 1915-1920
Skelton 1920-1921
Spacke 1920
Spaulding 1912-1916
Speedwell 1910-1915
Sphinx 1915
Spoerer 1910, 1912-1914
Springfield 1910
Stafford 1912
Standard 1910, 1916-1922
Stanley 1918-1925
Stanwood 1921-1922
Star 1923-1927
States 1918
Staver-Chicago 1911
Stavers 1910, 1912-1914
Stearns 1911-1929
Stearns-Knight See Stearn
Stephens 1917-1924
Sterling 1910
Sterling 1911, 1916
Sterling-Knight 1924-1925
Stevens-Duryea 1910-1915&1921-1926
Stewart 1916
Stoddard-Dayton 1910-1913
Studebaker 1913-1966
Studebaker-Garford 1910-1911
Stutz 1911-1934
Stuyvesant 1912
Suburban 1912
Sultan 1910
Sun 1916-1917
Templar 1917-1924
Terraplane 1934-1937
Texan 1919-1922
The Only Car 1910-1913
Thomas 1910-1913
Touraine 1913-1915
Traveler (Taxi) 1925
Traveller 1910
Tribune 1914
Triumph 1912-1913
Trumbull 1915-1916
Tulsa 1918-1923
Twombly 1915
Union 1912
Vaughan 1914
Velie 1910-1928
Viking 1930
Virginian 1912
Vixen 1915-1916
Vogue 1922
Vulcan 1914-1915
Warren 1912-1913
Warren-Detroit 1910-1911
Washington 1910-11, 1922-1923
Wasp 1920-1921
Watt 1910
Waverley 1910, 1914-1916
Wayne 1916
Welch 1910
Westcott 1911-1925
WFSB 1912
Whippet 1930
White 1910-1925
Wilcox 1910, 1912
Wills Sainte Claire 1921-1927
Willys 1917-18, 1930-1955
Willys-Knight 1914-1933
Willys-Overland See Willys
Windsor 1930-1931
Winther 1920-1922
Winton 1910-1924
Wisco 1910
Wolverine 1918
Woods 1916
Woods Electric 1910-1918
Worth 1910
Yale 1917-1918
Yellow 1925
Yellow Cab 1922-1925
Zimmerman 1910, 1912-1914
With Engine, Displacement, Wheelbase
Select a series
1913 Series , L-head , 226.4cid , 110in. wheelbase
1913 Series , L-head , 276.5cid , 115in. wheelbase
36 Series , L-head , 234cid , 115in. wheelbase
B Series , L-head , 235.8cid , 112in. wheelbase
C Series , L-head , 243.5cid , 113in. wheelbase
D Series , Own V-8 , 259.67cid , 113in. wheelbase
D Series , L-head , 237.6cid , 113in. wheelbase
E Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
EE Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
Eight Series EE , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
F Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
F Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
G Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
H Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
H Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
K Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
L K Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase
L K Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 124in. wheelbase
L Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 124in. wheelbase
LL Series , Own V8, L-head , 282cid , 120in. wheelbase